Saturday, February 27, 2016

I'm back! :-)

After a year at another blogging platform, I decided to move back here to my old address. The other platform had more bells & whistles, but it also had a lot of issues. Even programmers, themselves, had to do quite a bit of troubleshooting. I thought it was such a waste of time, especially since I have no background in programming. After dealing with a few technical issues in one year, I finally got tired of being frustrated and decided to move back here so I can spend more time creating and posting useful content.
  • BELLS & WHISTLES - cool features
  • ISSUES - problems
  • TROUBLESHOOTING - figuring out solutions

As of this writing, I still have to transfer all my posts from 2015 from the other platform. Unfortunately, something is broken there, so I have to figure out how to fix it first. I don't know how long it will take or if I'll ever be able to figure it out. Whatever the outcome, however, I'm feeling positive to be back here, and I'm looking forward to using my time productively once again. If you've been reading my posts, I hope you continue to do so. If you haven't signed up to email updates, you can do so to the right. Just enter your email address, hit submit, and expect to get English lessons in your inbox now and then.
  • FIGURE OUT - find an answer
  • NOW & THEN - sometimes; once in a while (#idiom)

Thanks for using the small guide site. Whether your using our lessons as a supplement or as a main resource to improve your English, I hope you continue benefiting from what we have here.


Joe, the small guide to improving your English

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